Friday, April 16, 2010

Its at Times like these I'm Happy to be a Dude!

Thinking about this prom thing makes me really glad I'm a guy! I don't have to worry about makeup, dresses, hair (in comparison to a girl), and I'm not worried about making this the best day of my life. Though maybe I'm not worried because it's not MY prom but still girls take this more serious than guys. While yes I do have to pay for the tickets which do cost some serious $$ but girls have it a lot worse. They have to get their makeup done, their hair professionally done, their dress has to be perfect! While us guys have it easy! We just make sure our hair is good (which for me it takes about 3 minutes) and just make sure we don't totally embarrass our date. We also have to pick a tux which I don't really see what's the big deal because to us guys they all look the same! If it fits then it's good enough for me!

Being a junior helps too! I don't have to plan out really anything! I just need to smile for the pictures....Cheese! My mom wants me to study how a tux can match the dress of the date but I still don't quite see it.

1 comment:

Ms.Lo said...

We're glad you're a dude, too. Finding a dress to fit your figure would be a nightmare.
