Monday, January 24, 2011

Spring Hill 2011

(I had a picture with me smiling, but you couldn't really see the beard too well)
This weekend I went to spring hill with my youth group. I had a blast tubing down their massive hill and just hanging out with my friends in general. In case you were wondering, I did wear a fake beard this weekend. I went with Brad's (our youth pastor) beard this time.

Right after I had put on the beard for the broom ball game (similar to hockey) some of the freshmen were having a snowball fight. Brad told them that if they over threw and hit a girl with a snowball then he was gonna "let Connor go loose on you!" You knew it was going to happen eventually and Sylus hit one of the girls with a snowball. Then Brad said to me "Get him little Brad (Because I had his beard)!" At first I was just going to hit him with a snowball but he didn't run or anything, so I decided to tackle him in the snow!

A bunch of the upper classmen went tubing together so we could climb on top of each other's tubes while flying down the hill! My last time ever going down that hill was definitely one to remember. There was a huge group of people on just a few tubes right in front of me, and right as I take off I see that one of them fell off and without even thinking, I stuck out my hand and next thing I know I'm dragging him down the hill with me! When we finally stopped this kid looked like a snowman. It was fun though because he didn't know what was happening, he fell off then all of a sudden this strange guy with a fake beard is holding on to him!

Now since I had a fake beard I got some pretty odd looks from people passing by. I was getting breakfast when one of the kitchen ladies came up to me to tell me to be careful at the broom ball game, and then she turned to me and kinda froze. Then she looked at me sideways, obviously perplexed by the amazing artistry of such a beard. Eventually she realized it was fake and had a great laugh at me. Then at lunch I was getting some milk when I noticed that people at this table were staring at me, trying to figure out whether it was fake or real. (Which is funny because when I first saw my girlfriend Jana I was also trying to figure out if her glasses were real) It must have taken them about 10 minutes to be satisfied with an answer. I sure hope they found out it was fake!

Every year we take a picture near this billboard and this year with 50 kids it was kinda hard to get everyone in the picture which means the picture isn't too close, so my beard looked very legit! As soon as that picture is posted on facebook I'll be sure to put it up here, but until now you're forced to see this picture I took with my phone.

Amongst all the things going on I was even able to call Jana for a bit at night! Which I really needed because I wasn't able to have my phone with me until that point. I called her in our cabin which was empty because it was free hour, as soon as I dialed Jana's number, one of our youth leader Kevin came in. Fortunately Kevin was cool and didn't make fun of me...much. He was a little confused about the fact that instead of swimming or tubing, I was talking to someone (by the end he knew it was my girlfriend).

Overall this weekend was amazing! Spring hill didn't disappoint me!