Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Epic Spanish Project!

Yesterday I had to present my Spanish project which also is my final for the semester. We had to make a timeline with 3 things from our past, 3 things in the present, and 4 things in the our future. Now since the future isn't here yet I could just give the year things are gonna happen. But no, I figured that I mind as well pick the exact date I'm gonna get married, and a bunch of other important dates! I said that I was going to get married on April 1st (yes I realize that's April fools day) 2021. I actually am planning on getting married before then, but I forgot the numbers 15-20 so it's in 2021. I'm gonna have a kid on April 6th 2025 (again, I'm planning on this being earlier in my life but I don't know enough numbers in Spanish!) and the next day on April 7th 2025, I'm going to get a piranha named Dexter.

Now I got some criticism for getting a piranha the day after my kid is born, but I think of it this way, since some families get puppies when they have a baby so they grow up together, why can't my son grow up with a pet piranha?? I mean Dexter could teach my son to swim, how to love meat, and how to take on animals much larger than him in a fight! I think it's a good idea and I'm sure my wife will understand my genius plan. Look at the picture on this post, he's smiling! How can you not want a cute smiling piranha in your family??

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