Thursday, January 13, 2011

Interrogation and harassment, gotta love it!

( My Dad's harassment of choice? kissy faces!)

Since Jana and I have become officially dating, several of my friends have stopped me and said "So Connor, I hear you have a girlfriend! what's she like??" I've been asked about Jana at least once every other day. If they ask me for a picture of her the response is always the same "Oh she's really pretty! [looks at me, then back at the picture] You're dating her?" My friends really enjoy giving me crap like that.

They aren't the only ones either, my family has a good time poking at me too. Whether it's my dad making kissy faces and kissing sounds while I'm talking to her on the phone, my mom saying that Jana has odd taste [Then looking right at me] or my sisters consistent badgering. I'm completely fine with them doing that because I know that they're only doing that because they care about me...or at least that's what I tell myself at night. Maybe they just think I'm a dweeb...well I guess that's true.

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