Monday, November 22, 2010

Bubbly Red Bull: The Discovery!

My post on Friday was telling you about the details of bubbly red bull and what I thought it could possibly be. Well I'm glad that I posted it on Friday because if I had waited one more day then I'd be hard to write about bubbly red bull before I found out what it was.

So anyway I had the 30 hour famine on Friday evening and Saturday morning so when I finally got home after that, I was too lazy to bring my bags in from the car so I just left them out there for a bit. A few hours later I remembered about the bags so I went back in the car to get them. I grabbed them out of the car and was about to go in the house when something caught my was a package! I was a little curious about it but I was tired and was gonna take a nap so I turned back to the door but then something else caught my eye. I noticed that on the package was there as plain as day [Jana Joy, Humboldt NE] so it took me 3 looks to finally realize the package was for me!

I nearly died laughing when I saw the package because it had drawings all over it in marker! I was very confused because as I'm sure I posted in my other post that I didn't give Jana my address. I opened the box which contained Nebraskan red bull and toothpaste (the toothpaste is an inside joke) It took me a while but I found out that Jana had messaged my mom on facebook to get my address! I didn't even know you could do that without adding the person as a friend on facebook!

I couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the day!

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