Thursday, March 17, 2011

Technology Rules!

My girlfriend Jana and I have been calling each other as often as possible, and it's really great, but there are a few catches. We have to wait till 11 to talk (she's in another timezone) for free without having to worry about minutes, but by then we're pretty tired and she usually cant talk much on school nights. And lately Jana has been extremely busy with school, speech, and homework so we haven't been able to talk much.

But on Sunday Jana got a laptop...with a web cam! So we were definitely going to web chat through skype lickety split! Unfortunately she wasn't able to get wifi till Tuesday, and she was at a speech meet all day. So yesterday we were finally able to talk on skype! Except, I was at a calculus session on related rates for a while. So around 5:00 pm I booked it for home.

So I get on the computer and make the "video call" to Jana. [ringgg.....ringg...ringggg...connecting...connecting....connecting (at this point I'm thinking "CONNECT ALREADY!!!") Connected!] So then I finally see Jana....except I can sense there's something wrong. She's looking very pretty and excited, but I can't hear her! Soon I gather that she can't hear me either. I ended up calling her for a few minutes until she figures out how to get it to work. I was afraid that it'd be one of those situations where I could either see her or talk to her, not both. But thankfully that wasn't the case.

I had a blast, and I can't wait to go skyping later today.

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