Monday, March 28, 2011

I know how to fix boo boos!

On Friday night, I was babysitting my little cousin Christian, who's 4 years old. While we were running around the house, he hit his elbow on a corner and started to bawl. I ran up to him and asked him if he wanted me to kiss his boo boo. He shook his head in disgust from his elbow being subjected to such a horrible prospect.

I was trying to think of something else that could cheer him up...when I checked my phone and realized my background was a picture of my girlfriend Jana. I then asked Christian if he wanted his boo boo kissed by "Jana" instead. Being a smart kid, Christian said yeah! So I then had my phone (with the picture of Jana on it) devour my cousin's elbow with kisses.

He was soon laughing his head off, but then that little booger kept asking for more! I soon had to "constrain" Jana in my pocket so she could stop kissing his elbow. It was really funny, and now I know what I'm gonna do when I'm a dad. I'm going to keep a picture of mommy on my phone in case our kid has a boo boo that needs kissed!