Monday, March 21, 2011

McDonald's Love Strikes Again

Yesterday My sisters, mom and I went to McDonald's for a little treat. It was all great fun and we were walking back to the car to go home when we noticed something. In the car next to us there were 2 people in their 30's just making out! The girl was practically on top of the guy, so much so they had the door open a little bit because they couldn't close it!

My sisters were joking around about how romantic it a McDonald's parking lot was. Then of course they tell me "Don't do that with Jana!" and I respond with "Oh trust me I can do way better than that! Like a taco bell parking lot, with the door closed! I have higher standards than McDonald's."
Except one thing that Taco bell doesn't have that McDonald's does have is a theme song that's "bababumpaba I'm loving it!"

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