Monday, October 25, 2010


You know when you have a nightmare but kinda forget about it until something reminds you of it? Well that has recently happened to me! This is my nightmare:

I woke up and started to get ready for school. I realized that I needed to shave so I went to the bathroom to shave but as I looked into the mirror, I had a black beard!!!! I was freaking out! The main reason I was freaking out is because with blond facial hair I don't have to shave as often because it doesn't stand out, but with black facial hair I'm gonna have to shave everyday! Looking back on it, I realize that it isn't too bad because I wear fake beards every so often but it scared the crap out of me in my dream! After yelling my head off I walked to the calendar in the kitchen and it all made sense! It was Monday! I remember saying "Oh its just Monday! At least nothing worse can happen!" just then ninjas appear and attack me! Then I woke up!

You were probably shaking in your boots as you were reading this right? I know pretty freaky right? Beware the black beard......

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