Friday, October 8, 2010

+1 For Jedi Mind Trick!

Yesterday I was hanging out with Andrew and he's been debating recently whether to ask one of his friends Chelsea, to homecoming but homecoming is only a week away! So he was running out of time fast! I used my Jedi mind trick of manipulation to get him to think about the positives and the negatives of asking her to go. He soon realised that the positives out weighed the negatives by a wide margin! He was about to text one of her friends to find out if Chelsea was going with anybody, when he was like "Whoa, how did you do that?? I was just on the fence about this like 15 minutes ago!" I used my powers for good! Well after about a half hour he gets a text from Chelsea's friend saying that Chelsea wasn't planning on going to homecoming. I instantly felt really bad because everything pointed to her going to the dance! So Andrew asked her why but the reason was because she didn't have anyone to go with! It was perfect!

Andrew even came up with an "out of the ordinary" way to ask her to homecoming too! He made a sign and put it on her porch then texted her to go to the porch! I have taught my young apprentice well.....

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