Monday, September 27, 2010

where did you learn how to drive??

This weekend I went to this Ford event. Its suppose to teach us advanced driving skills like how to get out of a skid and work on your reflexes! Now I'm a pretty good driver but as I get to the drill where I learn how to stop your car from swerving I'm kinda nervous! We got in groups of 3 plus an instructor and get in the car. The car we were using was a mustang but to make it swerve they lifted the rear of the car a bit! So I finish without too many mistakes and think "Hey that wasn't too bad!" I spoke too soon! Being in the front seat of a swerving car is no big deal but being in the back is HORRIBLE! After the Gary (another driver) drove a bit I wasn't feeling too good, but the other driver was a girl so I figured that she'd be cautious and not be as crazy! Was I wrong! This girl did everything wrong! The worse thing that she did was push hard on the gas when we were swerving! We kept doing 360's!! She never seemed to learn! I was afraid that I was gonna end up puking in this nice mustang! I never really thought about the stereo type where women can't drive, but trust me she fit the bill!

I felt sick for the rest of the day after that! While it is truth that I'm not good when it comes to motion sickness, but still that's pretty bad!

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