Monday, September 27, 2010

Corn maze!

This weekend my youth group and I went to a corn maze! You're suppose to look for check point in the maze with your map, but I had a much better plan! I attack people! I wandered through the maze then wait till I heard voices, then I'd bolt to that person! I would make it to them, even if I had to cut through the corn! It was pretty successful especially when I cut through corn! Apparently it scares the crap out of people when they hear something charging at them through the corn! It was very similar to the last time we were at the corn maze except I had something that I didn't have before.....Camouflage! Okay, maybe it was just my eye black put in crazy designs all over my face but it was cool! Overall, I scared a lot of people! Some of those people might not have been in our group, but oh well!

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