Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The birth of "Connor-chu"

Sunday evening my youth group oasis had a progressive dinner. I will be the first to admit I wasn't too thrilled at the idea. But I knew it was going to be at least enjoyable when we had about 20 people going. So first we went to someones condo and I was like OK this is going to be worth the time. Then after that we went to the next house which was the bridgeman's grandma's house. Since she didn't really know us too well she gave us name tags, little did she know that those name tags kept us all entertained for the rest of the night.

Now the really fun part came, first we all just switched name tags, then I got a hold of 2 name tags and put them under my eyes. Soon everyone kind of got tired of their name tags and could see that I had fun with them so slowly I got about 6 name tags. Well this all happened in the car ride after the grandma's house so after all the other people from other cars got out and saw how I was. I was just bombarded with name tags. I actually had a goatee going there and everyone started calling me Alex (our old youth pastor that had a goatee).

After I was a fully deformed creature I was like "Okay I'm a freak, but what kinda freak?" Then it hit me like Ash Kectum hitting my with a pokeball! I'm a Pokemon! Then I decided that I wasn't just a Pokemon I'm the rarest one "Connor-chu!" unlike pikachu the connor-chu shocks everyone with his great looks!

So until Lucy puts up the picture on facebook I can't really put up the picture but just imagine this...A amazingly good looking man with name tags on his eyebrows, nose, chin, all around his mouth, and on the tips of my ears! Hey look at the pictures!!

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