Thursday, February 3, 2011

Blizzard? ehh not so much, but it was a good day!

For the past week we were hearing that we were supposed to get a monster snow storm, with as much as a foot and a half of snow! Yesterday, we got 9 inches, not quite what we were expecting but I'm not going to complain. We had a snow day, and I got a lot of business. I made enough money where I have already paid off half of the plane ticket to Nebraska! The guys in the youth group met up at subway, and talked about manly stuff, like failed attempts of catching a raccoon. I then had an intense workout and studied for a calc exam (which I did great in this morning!). I had an hilarious conversation with Jana through text, that nearly had me in tears, and then I was able to talk to Jana on the phone for a while! Jana has been sick lately, so I wasn't really expecting to talk last night, but it was a nice surprise!

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