Friday, June 22, 2012

Senior Teen Camp

So this summer I'm a camp counselor at Somerset Beach Campground (SBC) and this past week I had my first group of guys. First off, these guys were amazing and I'm very fortunate to have been their counselor this past week, though I am very tired and glad for some rest. Here are some bullet points from this past week.

We won "The Grammies" which is a competition where each group lip sings a song of their choice with only a few hours to practice. We did "The Circle of Life" from lion king, I was Rafique (however you spell that). I had so much fun with it and so did my boys.

I started up a belly smack competition in the lake. There were probably 10 guys (most of which were in my cabin) and 5 girls involved. It was probably one of the most fun things I've been involved was also among the dumbest. I found some nice bruises from the belly smackers over the next few days.

One of my campers joined the family of God. He had left God for about 6 months before coming back to him, but he wasn't sure if God would forgive him....but soon after learning that he was forgiven he recommitted his life to Christ.

There were a couple of girls purpling (AKA flirting) with one of my boys. So to break it up I did what I do about poop! I went on with how the pizza place "Bino's" always gave some one hardcore diareha. Needless to say, it worked!

Having so much fun at camp!

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