Friday, July 13, 2012

Camp Update: Young Teen 1

Due to lack of time and energy, I'm once again gonna do bullet points for most of this post. But first off this was with middle schoolers mostly 8th graders. We went by the name of "Cow tipping Connor's group" we had a fist bump thing with it too. Yeah we were pretty awesome! Ok now to the bullet points.
  • My group made me dance up front on the stage every day, it was very fun but tiring since I break dance.
  • I had a mob of girls come after me after I convinced my campers to join me in splashing them in the lake....then they came in a thunderous wave of chick power. I was hanging on to a boue until I managed to catch their leader Jen (another counselor) and use her as a meat shield till it was time for buddy check!
  • The previous week a few of my campers had crushes on the lifeguards, so I made sure to tell the lifeguards to keep their seductive powers away from my boys.
  • One of my campers was extremely homesick resulting in extreme pain in the gut. It was a very scary ordeal.
  • While working the buddy board (kids have to check in before swimming) I made the kids "roar like a shark" I had about 4 kids going till someone realized that sharks don't roar....but I told them that lake sharks roar. :P
  • During archery I did some commentary on my camper's shooting. It included comments such as "oh another shot to the blind the bear! Great idea!" and many other odd things.
  • In small groups I talked about lust. First 10 minutes they kept saying "Can we change the subject?". Next hour, endless questions.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Senior Teen Camp

So this summer I'm a camp counselor at Somerset Beach Campground (SBC) and this past week I had my first group of guys. First off, these guys were amazing and I'm very fortunate to have been their counselor this past week, though I am very tired and glad for some rest. Here are some bullet points from this past week.

We won "The Grammies" which is a competition where each group lip sings a song of their choice with only a few hours to practice. We did "The Circle of Life" from lion king, I was Rafique (however you spell that). I had so much fun with it and so did my boys.

I started up a belly smack competition in the lake. There were probably 10 guys (most of which were in my cabin) and 5 girls involved. It was probably one of the most fun things I've been involved was also among the dumbest. I found some nice bruises from the belly smackers over the next few days.

One of my campers joined the family of God. He had left God for about 6 months before coming back to him, but he wasn't sure if God would forgive him....but soon after learning that he was forgiven he recommitted his life to Christ.

There were a couple of girls purpling (AKA flirting) with one of my boys. So to break it up I did what I do about poop! I went on with how the pizza place "Bino's" always gave some one hardcore diareha. Needless to say, it worked!

Having so much fun at camp!

Monday, May 7, 2012

CFW: day 1

The first day of summer, began the first day of Chapter Focus Week. Chapter focus week, or CFW, is a retreat with intervarsity (Christian group) which is a great place to get closer to both your friends and God. My "Chapter" was UofM Dearborn. Along with Dearborn, there was also UofM Flint, Oakland University, and Oakland CC. The 4 hour drive up to Timber Wolf Lake (located in Lake city) was rather uneventful, It was spent by making trucks blow their horns.

After arriving to campus, we found out how incredibly amazing this place it was. It had a huge field which called out to all of us guys, within about 10 minutes of getting to our cabin, we were throwing the football around. Very quickly we had close to 10 guys and we made teams to play a game of 2 hand touch.

Unfortunately we picked a fairly narrow field and it seemed like the only way to get separation was by going up field. I was also being covered by a mammoth of a man in Graham, who is 6-9 and 270 lbs. On top of all of that he also has a good grip on route running! I was pretty much held in check that game except for occasional exceptions like an interception and short catches.

After enjoying a great game of football, me and a couple of the guys decided to go to the gym and play some volleyball. With only 4 people early on, it was definitely lacking in some fun. We were just about to stop when UofM Flint arrived and all wanted to play volleyball. We were probably playing for about an hour and a half when my friend Sean came up to me and looked pretty serious. Sean said "Connor, can we talk off to the sidelines?" Since Sean and I were bunking together, I figured that he must be talking about something related to that. I told him that whatever the problem was we could work it out after the game. That's when Sean is like "No really dude, I need to tell you something". Finally I decided to walk off to the side and find out what was so important.

Then Sean said the words "You ripped your pants", without looking I asked "where at?" and then Sean said the worst thing he could've said, "near the groin". I then realized that my thighs were getting more of a breeze than they normally are used to. I quickly ran to my cabin to find my last pair of pants.

After ripping my pants, nothing of much entertainment happened for the rest of the day. As I laid in bed that night I knew this was going to be a great week despite the sacrafice of my pants.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Intervarsity Freshmen

This year I've met quite a few people in college, but my closest friends are my fellow freshmen in Intervarsity. We've planned hangouts, text bombs, a Superbowl party and movie nights. I'm probably going to be talking about them often so I figure I'll introduce you to them. Oh and since playing mafia is kind of our thing I'm also going to mention some mafia facts.

First off the guys:
Zach, is a biomedical engineer major who like me is a gym rat, and despite his hectic schedule is finding time to workout 4 days a week. He's a very fashionable guy (in a masculine way) who I can totally picture as a successful engineer in the future.

Sean, is a pre med major who definitely is very serious about school. He's a whole lot of fun though and can always find time to play some mafia and support me in my killing sprees (during mafia of course). Sean and Po give me my polical power in mafia when we have to vote to kill someone. They usually just vote with me.

Josiah (Po) is a biomedical engineering major who I've posted about in the Halloween party post. He's 6-4 and rocking the fowe hawk which we have renamed the "pohawk". I have almost an identical schedule to him and we're always joking around. We already have a list of funny quotes. Po and Sean have my proclaimed as their leader of mafia.

Drew is a CIS major who unlike most of the previously listed guys is an introvert. He schedules a lot of our group hangouts. While he's very mellow at times, he will occasionally go nuts. He has some pretty great one liners. Drew has some pretty whicked deception skills when it comes to mafia.

Anthony is a computer engineering major who is always happy and brightens up everyone's day. He's one of those people who's laugh is contagious. At the freshmen hangout we were playing picto phone and I ended up changing his "Michael Jackson doing the thriller" to "A pagan priest sacrificing 3 people"

David is a very quiet guy. I actually don't know his major, but he's got some serious drawing skills. He also is good at mafia, he shows very little emotion so I can never tell whether he's the mafia or just a towns person. I'm always scared of him in mafia.

Elisha is a business major and is the guy who seems to have the worst things happen to him. He has had a few unintentional seductive winks at some girls due to some of the worst timing. He's probably the most innocent of the guys because he doesn't even talk about poop. Elisha is also a wizard at spotting out the mafia.
Now for the girls: (let's see if you notice a similarity between them)

Amy is a teaching major and a quieter girl but probably among the nicest people I know. She along with Drew help organize events. She has this nasty habit of dying early in mafia, so of course the one game I decide not to use my political power to kill her off she kills me as the mafia.

Bethany is a teaching major who is the leader of my small group. Bethany among with Amy are the only people who I feel sorry killing off in mafia due to their angelic personality. Bethany is extremely nice and a bit on the quieter side.

Katie is yet another teaching major. I met Katie relatively recently, but she's a bunch of fun. She has started several rivalries among the guys in mafia. Therefore she's usually killed off pretty fast. Whenever there's a dispute between two people and the town can't decide who to kill...they default to killing Katie.

Hayley is guess what? yes a teaching major, she doesn't quite understand the awesomeness in mafia and it requires me to unleash the puppy dog eyes to make her play. At the Superbowl party a nerf gun fight broke out and she was left without a I used her as a meat shield and as she got pelted by the darts I was safe! :)

Sam is a history....teaching major so yeah not too much of a surprise there. Sam is probably the most outgoing of the girls. She is almost as obsessed with Michigan football as I am, but she doesn't have a blog with a Michigan football banner at the top does she? Sam doesn't like mafia which is a major blow to her coolness. Sam is a goofball.

That's the core of the Intervarsity Freshmen for you! If you ever want to know the characters from my "College Chronicles" then they're probably involved in one way or another.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Michigan Football Blogs

When I first started this blog I wrote only about Michigan football. I soon found out that it's way more fun to write about my life events and sufferings. This post is primarily for my dad who wants to know about which Michigan football blogs I like best. So I shall rate the blogs 1-10, 10 being unbeatable.

First off here are the blogs I'll be rating.

Rate of Posting

Bighouseblog: 8
The bighouseblog gives a new post every weekday. For the most part I'm satisfied with the rate of posts. It's just that he usually doesn't post multiple times if something during the day happens.

TouchtheBanner is the most consistent blog out of the bunch. There's usually 2 or 3 posts a day.

Mgoblog: 9.5
Mgoblog posts everyday, but it covers so much of a variety of information, most of it isn't interesting to me.

MgoRecruit: 6
MgoRecruit is a football recruiting blog, so there usually isn't as much information out there. There's about 2-4 posts a week, and some of them tend to be shorter posts.

ThisIsMichiganFootball: 6.5
The rate at which this blog posts is almost identical to MgoRecruit, except the posts are longer so I give it a slight edge.

Michigan football (non-recruiting) Content

BighouseBlog: 8
Bighouseblog gets a good amount of content out there, but its usually nothing I haven't read before.

TouchtheBanner: 9.5
TouchtheBanner has great analysis and does a series of "game awards" that he give Michigan football players for each game.

MgoBlog: 9.5
Great stuff I absolutely love the amount of information, but sometimes they post a bunch of charts about efficiency which I find really boring.

MgoRecruit: 1
Like I said, strictly a recruiting sight.

ThisIsMichiganFootball: ?
This is relatively new blog and I hadn't discovered it until a few weeks ago.

Michigan Football Recruiting Content

BighouseBlog: 7
The Bighouseblog is just a good all around blog.

TouchTheBanner: 10
This is where TouchtheBanner is the best. They create UNBEATABLE diagnosing of high school athletes.

MgoBlog: 9.5
Ace is their recruit ninja and he's great and is always posting interviews and keeping updated on recruiting with Wednesday recruiting posts.

MgoRecruit: 9
Great info, just not as consistent as I'd like.

ThisIsMichiganFootball: 10
They post interviews with high profile recruits a few times a week! While they don't post as often as touch the banner, they sure give some great quality.

Overall, I love all of these blogs. I only evaluated the best of them. My favorite is Touch the banner. And even though Big house blog came in lowest rated, I still thoroughly enjoy it.