Monday, May 16, 2011

Needed: Sleep

Ever since I went to Nebraska and only got 7 hours of sleep that weekend, I've been really behind on sleep. Normally I get about 9 hours of sleep per day, so you'd think that I'd catch up really fast, right? I haven't sleep too great lately and for some reason I can never sleep in too much on Saturday! I was just about caught up on sleep when I had to wake up at 5 am on Thursday for a minority summer internship interview.

I wish I was better at taking naps. I could really use one right now. Summer needs to come pronto!


Unknown said...

hey man,
i stumbled across your blog and i really like it.
not sure if your in highschool or just into college...but i like the style of your blog. : ))
nice site. keep it up! xD
~ Zack

FootballDude said...

Thanks Mateo! I'm about to graduate high school soon. Appreciate the coment!