Monday, May 4, 2009

I am that is 16!

I turned 16 recently so now I feel.....the same as I did last week. But I got some cool stuff for my birthday I got a $20 subway gift card, hair gel(the good stuff), and Metroid Prime 3 Corruption! I really like this game it's got amazing graphics, good story line, and is a really fun adventure game. I own the first 2 metroid primes and loved both of them. It starts out where you have all of your armor and guns and gadgets. Then after a brawl with a space pirate (the main bad guys) boss, you lose it all. The rest of the game you're gaining all of your guns and stuff back while fighting space pirates, aliens, and robots and solving puzzles. I really like the series and would highly recommend it to any...guy, haha girls probably wouldn't like it.

1 comment:

alex said...

thanks for the recommendation, but i think i'm going to wait for the new tiger woods