You probably have heard of Pillow pets! They're these fuzzy animals that can transform into full sized pillows! When I first saw them I categorized them under "dumb stuff that I would never have anything to do with in my life" along with the snuggie! I'm pretty sure you can see where I'm getting at here....but lets start from the beginning.
In late July or early August, when Jana and I first started talking on the phone I found out that she owned a pillow pet frog named George! I told her that was really funny because I would never get one! That was when she said that she was going to get me one for Christmas! I was kinda thinking "yeah! it's not like we're going to still be talking to each other by then!" she also told me that she wanted the duck pillow pet! So that's when we first came up with the idea!
She brought it up about once every week how I was going to get the duck pillow pet and she was going to get me some mysterious pillow pet that she found at the pillow pet website! To this day, I still don't know which pillow pet she's getting me! But I still wasn't convinced that we'd still be talking by then so I didn't really think about it much!
Now we fast forward a bit to late October, we were still talking a long time and having good wholesome conversations! Then she brought it up once again about getting me some mysterious pillow pet! That's when it hit me! I had to go through with this! I actually had to do what I thought I'd never do in my life.....buy a pillow pet!
So the past week I'd been searching for a duck pillow pet! I checked Target, Walmart, Walgreens and Toy'sRus! I could not find that elusive duck pillow pet! I had sort of a "DUHHH!!" moment at that moment, I could check the mall! So I drove to the mall, and as I walked through the entrance I saw this HUGE display for pillow pets and right there looking at me in a mocking way was the duck pillow pet!!
I had a problem though, It was right near the food court which was packed! I also could see some of my friends from school there too! In a panic I walked past the pillow pets. It took me a whole hour to gather enough courage to walk up to the lady and ask for a pillow pet! I figured that I had to do it sometime! So I walk up to the lady who is on her phone and that's making my nerves fly through the roof! I spent probably 3 times as long to buy that duck pillow pet since she was on the phone! I still remember what I said when I walked up to her "How much for the duck?" not really too cool of a 6 foot, 220 lbs guy.
I did end up getting that duck but it took a lot of guts to get that darn duck pillow pet, who Jana recently named Fred! It was probably quite a site to see me buying Fred! I wish I wasn't seeing it through my eyes!