Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Branson Missouri (part 3.5)

Remember when I told you about how Brandon was going to get me back for pranking him? Well he did and he also got everyone! While we were asleep he decided to put a small table on top of me and hide everyone's bags around the condo! I initially thought that it was Andy or Carson I was mad when they took my bag because my eye black was in there and I was going to write all over their faces! The worst part about that table on me was that I really had to go to the bathroom!

I kinda forgot about this so I guess this is it's own part!

Friday, August 27, 2010

...and the fight continues!

Yesterday I got my schedule for Dearborn High and I soon found out that I got the same class as Rory! If you don't know who Rory is then you haven't been reading my blog long. Rory is a girl in my Spanish class who is fond of beating me with her fists for stealing her stuff. I'll occasionally will get back at her for physically abusing me by pulling off these stunts and pranks that always make me the obvious winner! If you want to get reacquainted with these events then look up "Rory" in the search box and you'll get several highlights of my victories!

This year won't be quite the same without the posse but it still should be entertaining! Since this is going to be 4th year Spanish its going to be even better! 4th year Spanish is pretty much a joke! We usually won't have anything to do so naturally we'll just be messing around for most of the year!

Branson Missouri (Part 3)

(The picture has nothing to do with this! I just think it's funny!)

This is going to be primarily focused on the activities we did that weren't part of student life! Lets go back to the ride to Branson. So we had just driven 6 hours and we were exhausted! We stopped at a hotel near the halfway point to Branson and it had a pool! Naturally we spent as much time in the pool as possible! We were in the pool for about 2 hours and we finally got out because it was closed! I was feeling fine until about a half hour after I had been out of the pool. Then all of a sudden my eyes felt like they were being torched by a flamethrower! I couldn't see a thing! The pool didn't have chlorine in it! It had something that was even more powerful and they had a TON of it! I usually open my eyes when I'm underwater so that I can preform some sneak attacks but it totally back fired that night! I was blind for the rest of the night! I wasn't able to see anything until morning when I woke up!

Now lets fast forward to when we were in Branson! While we were in Branson we went to this wicked water park there! It was so much fun! They had this really steep water slide that made you go like 90 mph! It was insane and we loved every minute there! We also went to this pretty awesome Go carting place and for the record I went from 6th place to 2nd!

Part 4 will have hopefully everything else that I don't haven't told you yet!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Branson, Missouri (Part 2)

After the first day at Branson I realised a few things. First, several of the youth groups there were playing really fun games like ninja, little sally walker, and others! Second in Branson it is HOT! It was in the mid 90's throughout the whole week and the humidity was pretty bad! So our first move was to start interacting with some of the other youth groups, we accomplished this quickly by playing ninja with them! In between games I would walk up to someone and start talking to them and get to know them. Soon I became a VERY popular guy, the only problem was that I had a hard time remembering their names! Just about everyone there was from the south and it was very challenging to understand what they were saying! they one girl had such a thick accent that it took me 4 times to finally understand what her name was!

Our youth group bonded with 2 people from Arkansas from the start! It was really cool to talk to them throughout the whole week, but for some reason it seemed like everyone was cool talking to just them! I love the christian atmosphere that appears when there are that many Christians together and I love meeting people so thats what I did! I met a whole lot of people (I'm not the best at ninja which gave me some free time lol) and it was really interesting seeing how people were from across the country!

Well we had been playing ninja and I've been meeting a lot of people for a full day now and we had just started a new game when this one girl wearing fake glasses jumps into the game! Now if you have been keeping up with this blog for at least 6 months than you know that I LOVE wearing fake beards, it's just my thing that I do! So when I saw this cute girl wearing fake glasses, I knew that I had to get to know her!
I found out her name was Jana and we totally hit it off! She had a really bubbly personality and loved football. We soon formed an alliance for ninja! I would like to say that we dominated every ninja game but that's not true. We did pretty good together and it made ninja even more fun! I spent the rest of the week with Jana whenever I could! The only thing that could've made Branson better is if we could have a campus for all of the youth groups to hangout at.
Part 3 will have details of our youth group's fun outside of the sessions!

Branson Missouri! (Part one)

(I haven't written here in a while to be patient with me until i recapture my insane writing skills!)

So about a month ago my youth group oasis and I went to this youth convention called "student life" which was held in Branson Missouri. The ride to Branson was really fun! I didn't let anyone sleep without regretting it later! Marisa was the first one to fall asleep so naturally she was victim numero uno! While she was asleep I took off my smelly shoe and put it right up to her nose! She was pretty mad when she woke up and could only smell the fragrance of my feet, but i was sending a message to any sleepy members of our youth group! A couple of hours later Brandon one of our leaders fell into a slumber. I went 2 for 2 when I put some sunblock on him nose and used sunblock to stick a pringles cap on his forehead! He was cool with it, he just decided to get me back later in the week (which I'll get to later). My third and final victim was Andy who happened to dose off long enough to start putting sunblock on his face! There was only one problem.....he woke up halfway through! He was pretty steamed about it! He let it go after a while but it took sometime!

I also decided during the trip that I was going to start yelling like David in the YouTube hit "David after the dentist" whenever people started falling asleep! So anyway we finally get there and we soon found out that every youth group there has the white church vans! So throughout the week we would go nuts and wave till our arms fell off whenever we saw another van! Our first session there was interesting because we got there early and just kind of talked to ourselves quietly which thankfully was the ONLY time we were quiet! Our speaker there was David Nassar who was Iranian so I felt a good connection with his speaking because we have so many Muslims in Dearborn. Chris Tomlin was the music leader and he was AMAZING! Everyone was fist pumping and jumping for God! It was a breath taking sight!

Part 2 will tell you about the main themes for the week and the fun events we did!